The Vaccine Blog

Should the state be involved in healthcare decisions? If so , how much?

Should the state be involved in healthcare decisions? If so , how much?

This is probably not something that immediately comes to mind for the majority of people when they consider vaccine hesitancy. It might be on further consideration, but certainly not at first glance of the issue. However, it is actually one of the key elements of the issue. Indeed, this was the case historically -  ever since the first smallpox vaccine was introduced by Dr Edward Jenner in 1796. It was also a key driver of the opposition towards the DpT vaccine, and  the triple dose MMR vaccine in the early 21st century. 

Before we delve into this issue; however, it's important to establish a few definitions. When we say “the state” should or shouldn't be involved in healthcare decisions - who are they, exactly? Further, within the state, who are the key stakeholders in making legislation that impacts vaccination?

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